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You and your family get home late after a busy day of work, school, and your children’s many extracurricular activities. Unsure of what to cook for dinner, you decide it’s easiest to order something for delivery. Now it’s 7 p.m., and you and your family are just sitting down to eat. After dinner, your kids are diving into their homework, and before you know it, it’s past their usual bedtime for a school night. To no surprise, they wake up the following morning a little less than enthusiastic for the day ahead.

If this sounds like a typical weeknight for you, you may want to continue reading!

The Connection Between Your Sleep Habits and Learning

Sleep habits play a significant role in our overall health and wellness. A good night’s sleep helps our bodies and minds recover from the energy exerted throughout the day, and thus, both the quality and quantity of our sleep affect the learning and memory process.

We can improve the learning process by getting a healthy amount of sleep each night. According to Harvard Medical School, good sleep can:

  1. Prevent sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation harms your ability to concentrate and remember important information. If your child suffers from sleep deprivation, they will struggle to pay attention in class and, as a result, won’t learn properly.
  2. Benefit your memory. Without good sleep, your memory suffers. Getting enough sleep each night will make it easier for your child to remember what they learn during the day.

Good Sleep Habits for Students to Develop

Although the quantity of sleep we require each night is different for everyone, experts typically recommend anywhere between 7-10 hours of sleep per night. If you know your child isn’t getting enough sleep each night, try not to stress! There are many things you can do to help your child feel well-rested and be their best selves every day:

1. No Screens Before Bed

No matter how tempted your child is to use their phone, computer, or watch just one more episode before bed, try to avoid letting them get comfortable in front of any screens before cozying up to fall asleep. Studies show technology can harm how well we sleep due to the blue light from the screens. The light transmitted from your technology can suppress the production of melatonin, a.k.a. the sleep hormone. Without the presence of melatonin, your body can experience feelings of alertness at a time when it should be winding down. For this reason, it’s a good idea to leave the screens outside of the bedroom so your child can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to learn!

2. Avoid Late-Night Study Sessions

Staying up late to study might show your child’s determination to learn and succeed in school but, your child should avoid late-night studying, particularly if their sleep schedule is compromised. Studying late at night compromises your child’s sleep schedule and their ability to learn and remember important information. Additionally, too much studying can result in a significant impact on your child’s overall wellbeing, and there are signs to watch for that may indicate your child is experiencing the effects of overstudying.

Try to set a consistent bedtime routine to help your child prepare their mind and body for sleep. A bedtime routine gives children a sense of familiarity to ensure they relax and get the rest they need to tackle the day and, most importantly, stay awake and attentive in class.

3. A Cool, Dark & Quiet Room Makes for a Good Night’s Sleep

A comfortable sleep environment is arguably one of the most critical elements to ensure a good night’s sleep. A cool, dark, and quiet room is ideal for good sleep, but it’s important to remember that the perfect sleep environment varies with the individual. You can try using a fan to create both a quiet and cool environment. The fan will keep your child cool while producing white noise to help mask the sounds that may wake them throughout the night. Blackout curtains are a great way to keep out that nosy early morning sun so that your child can sleep for as long as they need (or at least as long as their morning alarm will allow).

Flexible Tutoring to Suit Your Schedule

The team at Scholars recognizes that your time is valuable, which is why we are proud to offer convenient and flexible tutoring services that cater to your child’s unique needs as well as your busy schedule. Contact a location near you and discover the benefits of flexible tutoring with Scholars!


Dr. Danielle, PhD


January 5, 2022